World of Little League Museum

Hands-on Heritage donates its services to the World of Little League Museum, an opportunity that allows us to stretch our creative muscles and brainstorm.

Lance Van Auken, now with Hands-on Heritage, directed the $4.4 million WOLL Museum renovation project, from architectural and construction aspects to the selection of graphics and artifact mounting, and exhibit writing. For more than a year, he collaborated with Cambridge Seven Associates of Cambridge, Mass., architect, and designer of the new museum, as well as the media provider, Cortina Productions,  and the exhibit fabricator, D&P Inc., to create the world-class museum. The World of Little League Museum project remained on schedule and under budget.

World of Little League
Interpretive Panels

Hands-on Heritage provided graphic design for the interpretive panels that greet visitors to the World of Little League Museum. Hands-on Heritage’s graphics were provided to Pannier, who then worked with Little League to produce Fiberglass Embedded panels and Traditional T style exhibit bases for their “six-inning” outdoor project. Pannier’s panels were perfect for the harsh central Pennsylvania weather and the Traditional T exhibit bases allow for easy visitor viewing.

Trading Pin
Survey Kiosk

The World of Little League Museum wanted a unique way to capture visitors’ opinions and emails for future email campaigns, so it offered a vintage trading pin in exchange for this information. Using a high-resolution photo of “a sea of” Little League Baseball-themed trading pins, Hands-on Heritage provided a graphic design for the stand that is eye-catching and fun. WOLL worked with D&P of Lorton, VA, a design and production company, to build the visitor survey kiosk.

What in the World
of Little League?

“What in the World of Little League?” is a social media marketing campaign for the World of Little League Museum. It features short video interviews with WOLL visitors asking questions and former Executive Director Lance Van Auken providing the answer at a specific exhibit. The video was posted on WOLL’s Facebook page, one per day during the 2015 Little League Baseball World Series. The marketing goal was to heighten awareness of the museum and encourage visitation while the series experienced nearly 80,000 visitors.