Play Ball Like a Girl!

 Although this video isn't specifically about Little League, I've heard the words "You throw like a girl" used as a slur at the ball park too often. It's my wish that fathers and brothers, uncles and grandfathers, coaches and managers, and especially players would consider this taunt hurts more than the individual it's aimed at. According

2018-08-06T14:08:16-04:00By |Play Ball Book|

Play Ball Videos: What People Love about the Little League World Series

Play Ball Videos: What People Love about the World Series What do visitors at the 2013 Little League Baseball World Series enjoy most about the event? If you think "Baseball" is their favorite thing about the World Series, think again.       Have you read Play Ball! The Story of Little League Baseball? We’d love

2018-08-06T14:08:35-04:00By |Play Ball Book|

A New Takei on Feminist Perspective

Although she didn’t intend to do it, Anita Sarkeesian tossed a pie in my face this morning. I deserved it. Sarkeesian is a media critic specializing in pop culture. You can find her feminist/fan-girl commentaries on her website, The day after Valentine’s Day, she posted a video “The 2012 Oscars and The Bechdel Test.”

School Days

School Days: 75th Anniversary Oral History Project Working with Muncy Historical Society and the students (past and present) of Muncy Jr/Sr High School, historian Robin Van Auken created a 30-minute DVD oral history project that features 35 alumni and current student interviews. Historical Society volunteers and Muncy students collaborated on this important

2023-04-07T17:49:16-04:00By |History|
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