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Find the Beautiful, the Strange at Your Local Botanical Garden

I am not a botanist, but I enjoy spending time at Botanical Gardens. These gardens can take many forms, but the specimens are usually suited to the particular climates found in the state. According to Wikipedia, the inception of botanical gardens is linked to the history of botany, and most 16th and 17th-century scientific

2023-04-07T13:52:25-04:00By |Go Outdoors, Inspiration|

The Man Who Invented the Future: Jules Verne’s Legacy

The Man Who Invented the Future: Jules Verne's Legacy Jules Verne It's been more than 100 years since the world mourned the passing of Jules Verne, "the man who invented the future." He died on March 24, 1905, in Amiens, France. I've been thinking about Verne lately and have decided to explore

Book Envy

I'm nearly there. As of today, I've read  93 books toward my goal of 104 books in the Goodreads 2012 Reading Challenge. I seldom participate in online challenges because I have a problem committing. I tease my husband (of 32 years!) that I'm still not sure we're right for each other. I refuse to watch

A New Takei on Feminist Perspective

Although she didn’t intend to do it, Anita Sarkeesian tossed a pie in my face this morning. I deserved it. Sarkeesian is a media critic specializing in pop culture. You can find her feminist/fan-girl commentaries on her website, The day after Valentine’s Day, she posted a video “The 2012 Oscars and The Bechdel Test.”

Interview: Supporting Authors One Read at a Time

Supporting Authors One Read at a Time Robin Van Auken (writing as Madeline Sloane) is the author of Distracted, East of Eaton, and West Wind. She discusses her book, her journey as a writer, and self-publishing on the popular Supporting Authors One Read at a Time blog by author Eri Nelson. Q: Where are you

Heave Away Bosoms: Romance Paving the Way for Other Genres

This may be a no-brainer to those of us who write books with lots of kissing, but the rest of the world is starting to notice that Romance (with a capital "R") novels are paving the eWay for authors  of other genres. See this link: The Real Force Behind Ebook Sales: Heaving Bosoms Says

Shoot! It’s Either Judgment Day or a Zombie Apocalypse

Prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse Between predictions of the Rapture and the looming threat of a Zombie Apocalypse, now more than ever people need to escape into good books. Hmmm … maybe they need good books as they make their escape, as well. The news this week has been troubling. First we

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