Our Partners & Portfolio


It’s our pleasure to work with distinguished partners, both locally and nationally, on legacy projects that honor the residents and communities in which they serve. The projects in our portfolio include researching and writing creative content for museum exhibits, to helping to develop heritage and nature parks. Other highlights include writing corporate histories, conducting oral histories, designing multimedia walking tours, publishing books, and building websites. Our talents are limited only by our imagination. So far, we haven’t found that limit. If you have a challenging project that contributes to the story of the world, let us help you tell it.

Recent Partners

CambridgeSeven Architects
Cortina Productions
SSOE Group
ELS Architecture and Urban Design

Click on a project to read more.

Mayflower Meetinghouse, Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc., Cortina Productions

Saban Center, Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc., Cortina Productions

ProMedica, SSOE Group & Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc.

  • Jeep Museum, Toledo, OH

Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard & Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc.

ELS Architecture & Urban Design & Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc.

Little League Baseball and Softball

Muncy Historical Society

Muncy School District

City of Williamsport

Williamsport Sun-Gazette Newspaper

Other History-Related Books and Projects

Public Archaeology