About Robin Van Auken

Robin Van Auken, the CEO of Hands-on Heritage, is a seasoned writer and researcher with more than 40 years of experience conducting interviews and crafting compelling narratives. She has earned advanced degrees in Communications and Anthropology, specializing in Public and Historical Archaeology, particularly in the context of Military and Industrial Sites. With a portfolio of over a dozen books on regional history as both an author and co-author, she has left a lasting impact on the field. Robin's previous roles include serving as a college instructor and leading long-term historical and archaeological projects. Through these endeavors, she has worked alongside numerous volunteers and temporary staff, while also imparting knowledge to thousands of visitors.
Robin is a writer and researcher, with 35+ years experience interviewing people and telling stories. Her educational background combines advanced degrees in Communications and Anthropology, with a focus on Public and Historical (Military/Industrial Sites) Archaeology.

A Renovo Mystery

The following is a reprint from Grit: America’s Greatest Family Newspaper A Renovo Mystery Dec. 15, 1882 A newsboy delivers Grit to a rural customer. RENOVO -- Patrick Shelly, a well-known citizen who held the positions of the town council, high constable, and tax collector, was found dead along the water's edge of

2021-03-11T11:45:03-05:00By |News of Yesteryear|

Small Press Publishers Fill the Niche

  Dedication and faith are the foundations of many small press and independent publishers. By printing primarily what interests them and focusing on authors they trust, this group is growing rapidly. Whereas many major publishers consolidate and lose money on book returns and operating costs, small presses flourish because their books meet high standards

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