Plum Tree Massacre and Iroquois War on Colonial Expansion

The date was June 10th, 1778.  In the east, the Revolutionary War raged and colonial forces under General George Washington were seeing key victories producing a turning point in the conflict. People living here in what would become Lycoming County PA were also part of that war. They were fighting for their lives against an

2021-03-11T10:56:17-05:00By |Tom 'Tank' Baird|

The Widaagh Monument in Antes Fort

So, what does a forty-five-foot tall, forty-one-ton monument on private land, the Susquehannock Indians, an ex-bank president in Indian dress-up, and a magical place called Lockabar have in common? Well, historian Carl Becker once said it best, "history is an imaginative creation" and that tongue-in-cheek remark never bore more truth than the story of the

2021-03-11T11:02:56-05:00By |Tom 'Tank' Baird|

Reading the News with Publisher Kathy Kolb

Kathy Kolb is the (former) publisher of, a news outlet that’s been online since 2009, which she steadily grew by personally connecting with her readers. I know, this sounds impossible — how do you connect with thousands of people? She accomplished this by building an amazingly loyal Facebook following, which total tops out

2023-04-06T18:57:01-04:00By |Podcast|

Get ‘On the Bus’ with Wendy Dean

Wendy Butler Dean is the owner of The Omnibus Publishing, a boutique publishing company that specializes in children’s books, Young Adult novels, and some non-fiction. The Omnibus is a hybrid company, combining a unique blend of older, traditional book publishing and new, digital publishing. She produces ebooks and print on demand paperbacks. Wendy’s a

2023-04-06T18:55:14-04:00By |Podcast|

A Guide to Being Alone

Today I try out a new software platform for recording podcasts, Anchor, and experiment with recording smaller audio clips, and transitions, and putting together a show on the fly. I also discuss an amazing book, "How to Be Alone," by Sara Maitland, a handbook on solitude and why it's important for people, particularly those

2023-04-06T18:52:31-04:00By |Podcast|

Lou Hunsinger’s Legacy of Local History

Louis E. Hunsinger, Jr. labors for posterity. He does this as a historian, preserving Lycoming County's heritage as a writer for newspapers, magazines, programs, and books, working as the co-author of eight books on local history.His publishing career began with his good friend,  Dr. James P. Quigel, and in 1999, the duo published the paperback, "Williamsport's

2023-04-06T18:08:34-04:00By |Podcast|
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